Hearst Create forms content partnership with Kenya's leading communications company, Safaricom
15-03-2019 10:29:00 | Editor: Bob Koigi | hits: 5877 | Tags:

Hearst Create, Hearst's in-house content marketing agency, has once again signed a contract with a major international premium brand; this time for the production of a brand new magazine for Safaricom, the largest communications company in East and Central Africa.

Safaricom, which is partly owned by Vodacom Group and Vodafone, offers voice, data and financial services for its subscribers, using different platforms. With the launch of M-Pesa, the company became a global pioneer in the field of mobile payment solutions, and it remains the most successful company of its kind. Safaricom's head office is located in Nairobi, Kenya. Its brand new magazine, Twaweza, will be published twice a year.

CEO Hearst Netherlands Luc van Os: “At Hearst Create, we utilise Hearst's expertise to build commercially successful content brands for clients, and with that, loyal audiences. We are proud of the fact that this approach has once again resulted in international recognition.”

This is the second assignment for Hearst Create in Africa. Since February 2017, the content marketing agency has been responsible for the production of Kenya Airways' inflight magazine, Msafiri. Now, it's up to Hearst Create to provide Safaricom with a creative concept and a biannual magazine. The first edition of Twaweza is scheduled for publication at the beginning of August.

Content Director Irene Bauer: “Safaricom is a special company that, thanks to innovative applications, has positively transformed the daily lives of many people. We are proud of this new collaboration and look forward to working with Safaricom to further expand the brand's purpose, ‘Transform Lives’, and embed it in Safaricom’s communications.”

