[Startup Interview] Tim Hoefnagel, Founder & Managing Director Squeezely
17-04-2018 17:25:21 | Editor: Max Vlugt | hits: 9421 | Tags:

Tim Hoefnagel is the Founder & Managing Director of Squeezely, a Data Management platform to connect your brand message to customers across the web.

Please describe Squeezely?

Squeezely offers companies an important piece of data infrastructure, specifically for the marketing department. A solution also known as a Data Management Platform (DMP).

Within our platform, you are able to combine data from every available source into customer profiles. These profiles can be segmented on their characteristics into audiences. These audiences can then be served personalized communication across multiple channels. This means customers can de reached via Social, Search, Display or owned channels, such as the website.

An additional advantage is that a centralized data architecture allows you to comply with privacy legislation, including the upcoming GDPR.

In short: a data-driven solution for cross-media marketing that can easily be used by marketeers themselves.

Why did you start Squeezely?

In recent years, developments in the online marketing industry have been fast. Setting up an effective cross-media strategy is becoming increasingly complex. Our founding team has a background in software development and marketing, which means we instantly look for solutions automation and by developing systems. This resulted in our vision to create a universal solution for the modern marketing department. Centralizing their available customer data was a logical first step in this project.

How and where is Squeezely located?

Squeezely is based in The Hague. At our head office, near the central station, we run the business side of things as well as customer support. Our development team has a separate office in the south of the Hague, where there is more room for them to focus.

Who owns Squeezely?

Squeezely is owned by our four founders. These are Ivo Lindhout, Jonathan de Zoete, Ali Alwash and myself. Ivo and I are the commercial team, where Jonathan and Ali focus on our development department.

How is Squeezely funded?

Since we founded Squeezely in 2016 we have been able to finance everything on our own. We are very grateful to the early adopters among our customers for that. Thanks to them, we have been able to create a great product and are now a team of nine wonderful people.

Who are Squeezely's customers?

Any company that uses online marketing can benefit from our technology. Among our customers are fast-growing e-commerce companies that have used the platform to setup a well-performing marketing department in almost no time.

There also are more established brands using our solutions. They are using Squeezely within larger, existing teams. Here we see these teams taking major steps in terms of efficiency and an integrated customer journey in short periods of time as well.

What distinguishes Squeezely from other businesses in the industry?

Squeezely exists to solve problems for marketers. Our focus allows us to turn things that might seem complicated in advance, into easy actionable projects. Doing this the barriers for businesses to this type of technology are significantly lowered. This is reflected in our pricing model making it accessible to the mid-market segment. Our expectation is that this will motivate many companies to get started using our platform.

What does Squeezely need to grow?

We are constantly looking for team members, partners and customers who are aligned with our data driven mindset. When we find them magic starts to happen. Growth is a logical consequence of this.

What are your international ambitions?

At the moment, it is mainly Dutch companies that are realizing their digital ambitions using Squeezely platform. The ambition is to expand within the Netherlands and soon beyond. We already notice a great need for this and regularly receive requests from abroad.



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