[Startup Interview] Richard Sweep, Managing Partner, Prettysocial Media
29-03-2018 12:26:00 | Editor: Bob Koigi | hits: 10630 | Tags:

Richard Sweep, is the managing partner of Prettysocial Media, a company that offers advertisers access to publishers’ social media channels

What is prettysocial Media?

Prettysocial media provides advertisers with access to the social media channels of publishers. This means that branded content can be published on these social media channels, on behalf of the publishers.

This heightens the relevance and credibility of the message considerably, which results in a more efficient CPM and a higher CPA.

We have the editorial rights to these pages, which enables us to post organic and sponsored posts on the timeline of the publisher’s Facebook page.

More importantly, by making use of Facebook’s social data, we can spread the message to a wider audience through advertising. When it comes to both the organic post and the advertising, the publisher is always the sender.

Our network consists of close to 200 collaborations with the social media channels of well-known publishers. We have successfully worked with VRIJ, Autovisie and VROUW of TMG, Truckstar, delicious magazine, Zin and other brands of New Skool Media, but also a wide range of active Facebook pages like Hart voor Auto’s, Wonenonline.nl, Veronica Superguide, Museumtijdschrift, Soundz Magazine and Weeronline.

 Why did you start prettysocial Media?

Publishers invest a lot of time, energy and money in their social media channels, but rarely receive direct income from them. So far the income has been indirect by generating traffic to an online shop. On the side of the advertiser there is considerable interest in influencer marketing. Who can be better influencers than existing and well-known publishers? who can spread the advertiser’s message?

These brands reinforce the relevance and credibility of our advertiser’s content. For the publishers, this is a new way of generating income. It is a classic win-win situation!

 Where is prettysocial Media located?

Prettysocial Media is located in Naarden, in the In The Mood building (Rubberstraat 9). You can also find prettysocial Media branches in Munich, Copenhagen, London, and most recently New York.

Who owns prettysocial Media?

Prettysocial Media is owned by Dutch founders Thomas Brouwers, Jacob Poortinga and myself. The German GmbH also has a stake in the Dutch branch.

 How is prettysocial Media financed?

The Dutch branch is fully financed by its founders’ resources and its realised profits. Our German branch has recently received financing from FUNKE Digital, one of Germany’s biggest publishing companies.

 Who are prettysocial Media’s clients?

We have clients who want to tell a story and distribute branded content within a special interest environment. Currently these are direct clients, but also media, PR and advertising agencies.

So far, we have done campaigns for and in collaboration with a range of clients in automotive (Ford, Jaguar, Land Rover, Bosch Car Service) and fashion (Hugo Boss, Danish Design) but also special interest like museums (Tropenmuseum, Museum Volkenkunde, Afrika Museum) and  charities (KNGF, Vogelbescherming Nederland).

 What can prettysocial Media do that other companies can’t?

On the one hand we have access to the social media channels of almost 200 different publishers. On the other hand, we are able to produce the right content for conversion and optimise to reach the desired results. This combination ensures that our product is unique.

 What does prettysocial media need to grow?

In short, we need more adaptive capacity at agencies and to become more well-known among potential clients. Publishers now know where to find us and we provide them with a new source of income. More campaigns will ensure our ability to do more for our publishers.

 What are prettysocial Media’s ambitions?

Luckily our concept is also being well received internationally. We already have offices outside of The Netherlands: in Munich, Copenhagen, London and New York City.

 What is prettysocial Media going to do in 2018?

We want to become a fixed part of the branded content and social media plan for national and international brands. Subsequently we will conduct successful campaigns and hopefully that will be the basis for long term collaborations, directly with clients but also with agencies.



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