[Startup Interview] Rich Cheary, CEO, PT SportSuite, South Africa
04-05-2020 14:17:00 | Editor: Pie | hits: 23317 | Tags:

PT SportSuite is a South African company whose mission is to digitally disrupt the sporting industry’s media landscape by allowing sporting organisations to operate like commercially-minded modern media houses, while building sustainable digital communities around their brand. The CEO Rich Cheary elaborates.

Tell us about PT SportSuite and your role in it.

PT SportSuite is a start-up “spin-off” from parent company Publisher’s Toolbox. As Publisher’s Toolbox CEO, the opportunity to enter the sports fray and apply the experiences we’d picked up from working with traditional media groups for 10 years, was one we couldn’t pass up.

In January 2019, we collectively decided to invest in tailoring our digital suite of products towards sports modules, such as ticketing, match statistics, brand and fan engagement within professional sports organisations.

PT SportSuite comprises a number of digital transformation modules that cater for internal media IP and related operations as much as the external-facing brand, fan and partner digital properties.

Our unique value proposition is in mobile brand and fan engagement utilities, which follow current trends in augmented reality and user generated content – combining both modules in a unique influencer marketing “Fan Zone” module...read the full interview here