[Startup Interview] Maarten Bos, Founder schoolery.nl
28-03-2018 17:40:00 | Editor: Max Vlugt | hits: 9648 | Tags:

Maarten Bos is Founder & Owner of schoolery.nl, a platform which facilitates schools in finding the right teaching personnel. 

Please describe Schoolery?

Schoolery.nl is a platform on which schools are able to present themselves on a profile in a unique and contemporary way. Schools can use the targeted search function to look out for teaching personnel, without interference from expensive recruitment parties. Vacancies and/or internship positions are published free of charge. Teachers can create an attractive profile, both visual and with regards to the content, which allows them to be found easily for jobs or internships that'll fit them better based on their personal preferences and needs.

The combination of both fosters more sustainable work relationships, a lower absenteeism rate and less dropouts.

Why did you start Schoolery?

35 percent graduate teachers quit their job in the first five years of practice. Schoolery is looking to tackle this negative trend by using technology and custom made coaching. We aim to decrease this number by 5% per year.

The Netherlands are facing a shortage of teachers and there is a lot of discussion about it. There is a lot to win when it comes to concrete action to solve this problem. We gladly would like to contribute in solving by matching teachers to better employers. In addition, supplying targeted and cross-sectional coaching to students-to-become-teachers when they fill a vacancy on a school.

Who owns Schoolery?

Maarten Bos. However, I am currently exploring possibilities with potential co-founders.

How and where are you located?

In Amsterdam city center, The Netherlands.

How is Schoolery financed?

For now it is bootstrapped.

What distinguishes Schoolery from other businesses in the industry?

We have the latest tech-solutions to provide optimal and high quality match and by this we keep expenses for employers really low. Next to that we have collaborations with several teacher training institutions to make sure we are able to place future teachers better. The appealing and optimized profiles help us connect to the target audiences.

What is it clients want from you?

Basically, teachers. And coaching for starting teachers in a cross-sectional way. And as a service, we’ll be looking to organize free events for specific groups of teachers or specific subjects.

What does Schoolery need to grow?

More collaborations with teacher training institutions and funding to create a bigger range amongst both schools and teachers.

What are your international ambitions?

In 2019 we’ll be aiming to start providing a similar service in countries with the same teacher shortage among them Belgium, Germany and the United Kingdom.

Any recent news you would like to share?

We have reached the final phase of development of the platform. And we just decided to also launch an app in fall 2019. This would basically be like Tinder to connect both teachers and schools quicker and easier. Machine Learning should become a part of this app.

Our moonshot: predictive matching, or more concrete, proposing the ultimate candidate, at which a job interview would be no more than a formality.



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