[Interview] Startup Competition 1 year later: RapidPricer
30-01-2020 10:42:00 | Editor: Bob Koigi | hits: 6113 | Tags:

RapidPricer was one of the winning startups of the Startup Competition 2019. How did the company continue it’s operation? Dutch MediaNetwork asks Kiran Gange.

Refresh our memory: what does your company do?

RapidPricer helps retailers to increase margin and reduce waste by automated pricing and promotion in real time unlike traditional consulting solutions.

How do you look back on your participation in the Startup Competition?

It was a great experience speaking to the audience at the Startup Competition. RapidPricer was able to leverage the coverage we received in the media (event/ print/ radio) to further develop our brand and also to build a trust around our company which is vital as a Startup looking to compete with the Industry giants.

How did the year 2019 go for you in business terms?

We had a fairly productive year with 2 live implementations of our product, two more rounds of investment raised and a big move to the Nordics with a new set up and hires in Sweden.

How are things today?

Highly energized and looking forward to the new opportunities in the market that lay ahead of us. We are looking to capitalize on the interest and traction generated to execute upon many opportunities in the Netherlands and the Nordic markets. We are also looking to set up new offices with plans to hire 4 to 6 employees in the next few months. Our journey has been challenging and rewarding at the same time. We look forward to even more challenging and exciting 2020.

What ambitions do you have for your company?

We wish to leverage cutting edge technologies through various partnerships we have established in the Nordics.  Our #1 focus remains large scale implementations of the technologies developed into various retail projects across Europe. This will allow us to demonstrate a high level of food wastage reduction in real life retail scenarios. We will work continuously to develop more technology to make a further impact on the food waste in the retail industry. Our team is now aligned with the vision towards building a world where people gain more value and create less waste from every product purchased.

What advice would you like to give other startups?

My suggestion is to first identify the purpose of the Startup. This forms the basis for every strategy, policy, direction and tasks performed in the organization. With the purpose clearly defined, hiring and motivating the right team becomes natural. The secondary goals of revenue, profit and valuation will follow suit automatically when the right team is in alignment with the purpose of the organization.



[Interview] Startup Competitie 1 jaar later: Microphone Media
[Interview] Startup Competitie 1 jaar later: 5PM

Startup Competition 2020: sign up!

The Cross Media Congress 2020 will take place in Amsterdam on Wednesday April 15th. Among other things, the 5 best Dutch media and marcom startups will have a chance to pitch at this congress; they are the winners of the Startup Competition 2020. Startups can sign up by sending an email to Bas Vlugt in which they briefly introduce their startup.

Mail to: bas@nederlandsmedianetwerk.nl.